Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Results are Negative

Just a quick update. I talked to the pediatrician just now and Jackson's test results came back fine. Nothing is elevated, there is no inflammation, etc. Whew! She said to keep an eye on his swollen lymph node and if it grows or it seems like he's in pain, then she wants to see him again. But for now, our boy is healthy and fine.

Last night, Dan expressed his worries to me about the test results. In an attempt to reassure him and calm my own fears, I told him, "We've been through bad and we made it through together. It's not our turn again. I'm sure we'll go through bad again, but not now." We tried to keep our minds from wandering into the "what if" possibilities. I think sometimes the "what ifs" can be even worse than the actual reality.

Anyway... thank you for your thoughts and prayers!


bksoval said...

Didn't know anything was going on, sorry that you went through the scariness of that. Glad he is ok!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Amen!! I am so very glad all is well. As I said, God is still in the business of answering prayers!

Anonymous said...

I knew all would be okay! Maybe God was just reminding you to keep your faith?! I think you handled it very well.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know! I am so happy to hear that he is ok...and so sorry you had even a moment of fright. And here you are asking me about my tests....Jackson is waaaaay more important than my silliness! xoxo

I have some serious catching up to do on your blog! the new header!


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