Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Rollerskating, Or How I Lost Feeling in My Hand

Ouch. It hurts to type.

Wish I had remembered my camera tonight, but I didn't. So you'll have to just imagine Katie in rollerskates, and me walking beside her. Or, rather, me trying to walk beside her while she clings to my arm and clutches my hand like a dying man clutches to breath. Seriously. The first trip around the ring was funny. We both enjoyed the novelty of trying to stay upright while the world rolled beneath her feet. I laughed a lot, and was so glad I came. "What fun to experience new things with Katie!" I thought to myself.

We made it three times around the ring, then my arm lost feeling and my back was spasming. Not so much fun anymore. Ouch! The things we do (and the pain we endure) to build lasting memories for our children. Note to self: next time, don't wear Croc flip flops. Steel-toed boots would be better.

Truly, I would do it again. But next time we're buying those beginner skates (the kind that have wheels that only spin in one direction: forward) and bringing those with us. It'll save us both lots of pain and grief!


Shannon said...

I know what you mean. We took all four boys over the summer, and by the fourth time skating around the rink, my knees were killing me, lol. Getting old is for the birds, lol.

Gretchen said...

I remember that first trip around the rollerskating rink. How I wish those days could return.


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