Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Checkbook Balancing

I am procrastinating. I've been trying to avoid this particular task for at least a month, if not more. It's the dreaded balancing of my checkbook. I do it old-school style, like Mom taught me when I was a teenager: I pull the checkbook register out of my wallet and sit down with my statement and check off every single transaction. Then I subtract those that haven't cleared and PRAY that my balance equals the one on the statement.

The problem is that the two numbers are rarely the same. Somehow, almost every single month, I manage to mess up my math or transpose two numbers and I end up with a mess. And it frustrates me to no end. It is one of the few things in my life that immediately makes me feel like a complete failure. I mean, I'm a college-educated, independent self-starter who can't make the math work. I curse myself under my breath and call myself an idiot. And vow to do better the next month.

That's why I'm procrastinating. Balancing my checkbook is a major confidence cutter and I just don't want to do that right now. And I wouldn't... except ANOTHER statement came in the mail. That means I'm two months behind now. Aaaagh! The math issues are going to be awful.

Oh, about the online argument? I have about 4 friends who are trying to convince me to balance online. I just can't wrap my brain around it. Yet. Give me time and I might get frustrated enough to finally join the 21st century!

1 comment:

Gina said...

My husband has taken that over because I have about as much luck with it as you do. I live about 15 minutes away from you, probably...west. My dad lives in St. Peters. And I think L could give your kids, well, any kids, a run for their money when it comes to tantrums!!


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