Thursday, November 13, 2008

What Blogging Has Done For Me

Back in April, I wasn't quite sure why I should start. But for some reason, I did it anyway. And I have to say that it has become an amazing thing for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed it because:

  1. I've remembered how much I really enjoy writing. I haven't liked writing this much since AP English with Mrs. Musgrove back in high school. I got my Journalism degree because I liked writing so much and it always came naturally to me, but making a living from it kind of dulled the sheen. Now I'm doing something I haven't done in a while: I'm writing just to write. What a concept. And maybe one day I'll make a living from it again, but it'll be on my terms next time. I don't want to feel pimped like I felt in TV news. Here's an interesting link I found on how blogging can improve your writing. I think it's true!
  2. I've enjoyed seeing the world through bloggy glasses. It's like when I travel overseas and see that there is a whole other world outside my zip code. It's interesting to learn the contrast in people's lives by reading their blogs. I might post something about a great day I had and then find that a friend had an awful day, or vice versa. I like reading the slices of life that exist in the bloggy world.
  3. Blogging has become a virtual scrapbook, diary, baby book, and venting outlet for me. I've been able to chronicle my life and my family's life and include multimedia like video clips, photos and scanned artwork within the pages of my blog. My wish of having something for my children to read one day has come true. (Let's just hope they're not too embarrassed.) I've been able to vent and whine a bit in my blog, and get reassurance that I'm not crazy.
  4. ...which leads me to reason #3: I love the new bloggy friends I've made. I've always loved having pen pals (which Janera wrote about), and now the virtual version is even more fun. I get to read all kinds of great writing from people I might never have met before. I have bloggy friends who are in totally different stages of their lives, and yet I've found common ground with them. I love that I am "friends" with other moms who are still in the trenches, and moms who can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have even found friends in different countries, and friends who are somehow related to my sister (Hillary). It's so cool! And although I've never met these friends in person, I hope to some day.
  5. I also love the old friends I've connected with through my blog. I've found friends from my old neighborhood (Julia), high school (Tracy), friends who have moved away (Brina and Tammy), former co-workers (Catrina and Jen), and friends I see in person on a regular basis (Danielle, Sarah, Jen, and Robin). And in reading comments on some old friends' blogs, I've also found even more "other" friends!
  6. I am keeping in touch with people a little bit better. A lot of my friends and family can keep tabs on us now by checking my blog. I love that. The only problem with that is if they don't have a blog, the information is a bit one-sided. They know what I'm doing and therefore don't call or connect as much, but that means I don't know what they are doing. That's kind of a bummer. So can all y'all get yourselves a blog now too? Then my little bloggy world would truly be paradise.


Shannon said...

Haven't been by in a while trying to catch up.

Gretchen said...

I feel the same way about blogging. It's a chance to get my feelings down, keep track of life and find new friends. :)


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