Thursday, April 22, 2010

What I Did with a Little Ribbon

I bought two rolls of $1 ribbon at Michael’s yesterday. Then I found three pair of Katie’s pants that were way too short on her. Plus, she busted out the knees in all of them. So I hacked them off. I took that ribbon and folded it in half lengthwise and sewed it on the pants shorts. So easy, and the results are so cute!

Here are the befores and afters:IMGP6490IMGP6501 IMGP6489 IMGP6502 IMGP6491 IMGP6500

Katie tried them on and was so thrilled that she spouted out, “Thank you, Mommy!” as if it were the best present she’s ever received. Score one for Mommy!IMGP6494P.S. That’s her pajama top paired with the new shorts. She had to model them for me right before bedtime!


scrappysue said...

who's a clever girl then? they look great elizabeth!

Robin said...

Those look awesome. I wish they fit me.


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