Thursday, March 11, 2010

John Denver Lyrics Keep Floating Through My Head

Seriously. I kept hearing this on repeat all day long: “You fill up my senses/Like a night in the forest/Like the mountains in springtime/Like a walk in the rain/Like a storm in the desert/Like a sleepy blue ocean/You fill up my senses/Come fill me again.”

Do you think there might be something wrong with me?

Nah. I can attribute this John Denver-itis to the A-M-A-Z-I-N-G weather we had yesterday and today. It has been fantastic. I think my heart dug up the John Denver song as a way to say thank you to God for reminding me that winters never last.

We played outside for almost three hours yesterday, after Katie and I shopped for Easter outfits. I was struck by how the good weather made all my senses come back to life. I saw colors I haven’t seen in so long, felt the wind brush my skin and the sun kiss my cheeks. I also got a kick out of watching Jackson when I put a short sleeve shirt on him. He has gotten so used to having his arms covered that he kept yanking on his short sleeves, as if trying to pull them down and cover his skin again.

Today, we were outside for another three or four hours. We had lunch on the front porch, and I borrowed an idea I read recently on someone’s blog. (And now I’m annoyed because I can’t find the correct link to copy here! I thought I got the idea from Muffin Tin Mondays, but can’t find it there. So I apologize for not being able to give the proper credit here.) Anyway, I served the kids’ lunches in empty heart-shaped chocolate boxes. The plastic liners that usually cradle the chocolates were made perfectly for bite-size portions of sandwiches, cheese and tomatoes.IMGP4258

Jackson wouldn’t take off his helmet for lunch.IMGP4257

Unfortunately, the forecast calls for rain tomorrow. Bummer. But at least we got two unexpectedly beautiful days this week, and I will try not to be greedy for more!

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