Monday, November 2, 2009

Macro Monday

This isn't technically a macro photograph, but I did use my zoom lens and worked hard at setting it up. Humor me.

We had a full moon on Halloween night, and I wanted to get a close-up of it for my scrapbook pages. So I set the camera on "auto" and took some photos. The result was too solid, meaning I couldn't see the craters on the moon like I could with my naked eye. So I tried again. Same result. I thought I must be wiggling my hands and blurring the moon, so I set up my mini tripod and used my camera remote. Still the same. Blurry:

Then in occurred to me that the moon was so bright it was blurring itself out. That lost shot was an exposure of 1/4. So I cranked my shutter speed up as fast as it would go to 1/4000, and got this shot, which is unedited, straight out of the camera: (Can you see the dark moon?)

Then I played around with the shutter and tried all different speeds. This is my favorite shot, at 1/350:

I learn something new every day. What a great life.


Sheryl said...

That is awesome!! Good job!

Gretchen said...

Great shots! I love photographing the moon. :)

Anonymous said...

GIRL!!!! I'm so proud of you and that last shot is AMAZING!!!!! GOOD JOB!


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