Sunday, December 14, 2008

Playing in Traffic

Did I mention that I'm in "training" for a half-marathon next September? The reason I put training in quotation marks is because I'm not really in true training mode just yet. I'm keeping up with my regular workouts, but not doing anything hard-core just yet. I figure I can buckle down once spring hits.

Oh, and before y'all get all impressed, I forgot one little detail: we are WALKING the half-marathon. There are five of us who are doing this together and our team is called Team Turtleton. We don't plan on breaking any records. If we just finish the 13.1 miles, we'll be ecstatically happy.
Our team is meeting every three weeks for an extended walk as part of our training regimen. Today was one of those walks, and it coincided with a 5K. It was my first Team Turtleton event. There were supposed to be three of us walking together, but Coach Joe got sick. So my friend Michelle and I hit the road and walked the I-64 Fun on the Freeway 5K by ourselves. St.Louis has had major road construction and shut down a large portion of one of the main interstates. That portion is re-opening tomorrow (as they shut down the other part - ugh!). But before it re-opens, they are doing all kinds of festivities on the highway like carriage rides, music, and this little 5K.

Michelle and I showed up and got to watch all the crazy pros hopping around in their skimpy running outfits, while we were bundled up in our sweats and gloves. We walked the 5K in about 50 minutes, which isn't bad for my first time out of the gate. The best part is the shirt we earned by finishing the walk. Now we're official!


Shannon said...


Robin said...

Good Job! A half marathon? I am really impressed!

Serendipity said...

I am so proud of you (and Michlle as well)! Congratulations! It will be so exciting and what an accomplishment!


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