Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bedtime Stories in the Tree House

IMGP7474 I put Jackson to bed, then snuck into Katie’s room and got her out of bed. I asked her to pick out some books and grab her doll.

We went downstairs and grabbed blankets and pillows, and climbed the ladder to our tree house. Katie gasped with excitement to be outside at bedtime, cuddling and reading books.

It was only fitting that our first book was The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. Our second book was a collection of poems by Joan Walsh Anglund, Morning is a Little Child. Then we moved on to My Father is Taller than a Tree by Joseph Bruchac. (Notice the tree theme?) We read a few more books, then decided to just lay together and talk.

As we were cuddling, Katie said, “I wish we had our camera.” (When did she become so much like me?) I went inside to get the camera and tried to mess with the settings to get a decent shot. That didn’t happen, so you get this fuzzy shot instead.

The sun had set, so it was time to head in for bed. I hope this was just the first of many memories we make in the tree house.


Emily said...

You will cherish those memories! So sweet!

TinkDoll said...

That was so sweet!!! What a great memory for you both.


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