Friday, January 14, 2011

Do You Miss Me?

Don’t answer that. (I’m afraid your answer might be NO!) I sure miss y’all. Danuary has kind of thrown me for a loop. I figured that I could make up the time I’m not blogging/emailing/computering in the evening by doing it during nap time in the afternoons. Well, it turns out that’s a little harder than I expected. I’m trying to do that, but that means lots of other stuff on my list is getting pushed aside. The bottom line is I’m still trying to find some balance.

But the good news is this: I’m really enjoying the unfettered time with Dan in the evenings. It isn’t anything spectacular – mostly just watching TV or sitting together or reading a book to him. Sometimes, we even go to up to bed at 9:30 (9:30!!!!!) to read. And sometimes, that reading is from the Bible. Ha! (We’re reading the Essential 100 along with some other friends.)

The hardest thing is going through the day and thinking, “Oooo, I want to blog about that.” And realizing I’ll have to squeeze it into my day somewhere, before Dan gets home from work. And, usually, I don’t get around to it. And if it’s on the weekend, that just isn’t going to happen!

Anyway, I wanted to pop in here and blog a quick p0st to tell you I miss you, blog world! But I’m still having fun without you. (Is it mean for me to say that?)

Now I’m off to do laundry that I’ve neglected while I surfed the computer during naptime. Have a good weekend!

And here’s a gratuitous photo, just so the blog doesn’t get too texty and empty! This was how the kids spent part of our snow day this week: Legos in the bathtub (no water, of course).IMGP7803

1 comment:

Gina said...

First of all, yes, I miss you and your blogs.

Secondly, DUDE. If I would have known you had that bathtub lurking upstairs, especially when I was pregnant, I would have hijacked it. I don't care if you think it's weird.


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