Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sammy’s Something Sweet

Jackson’s napping and it’s raining outside. That means Katie needs something fun to do. We happened upon a book called Sammy’s Something Sweet (by Larry Dane Brimner) at the library yesterday, and read it at bedtime. It gave us an idea for something to try today.IMGP8344

In the book, Sammy’s Granny Frannie wants something sweet to eat. Sammy goes to the refrigerator to find something for her and comes back and tells her to close her eyes. She’s expecting sweet, but gets sour lemons instead. The next time, it’s a sour pickle. Finally, Sammy gives her something sweet – chocolate pie!

Katie and I brought this book to life by raiding our pantry. I put a blindfold on Katie, then put one small item in her mouth. The first one was a Cheerio. She had to taste this one three times – and get a verbal hint – before she correctly guessed what it was. She knew the M&M right off the bat, as well as the marshmallow. The peanut was a tricky one, and she never could guess what it was.IMGP8341

Next, it was my turn. I got all of them right pretty quickly, but Katie pulled some tricks on me. She started combining things. The one that did me in was an almond, white chocolate chip, and a grapefruit flavored jelly bean. Yuck!

This was a fun and easy way to make reading books a little more interactive! Let us know if there are any books you have tried to bring to life.IMGP8342

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