Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Celebrity Comment!

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I am thrilled beyond thrilled. You won't believe this! I just checked my in box and I GOT A COMMENT on my last post by a real, honest-to-God published author, Kelly Corrigan. I am giddy! And what's even cooler is that I. Am. Reading. Her. Book. Right. Now. Can you stand it?! Yes, this is the book I stayed up way too late reading last night, and the book that is talking directly to me in almost every chapter. (I about fell out of bed when I read that her dad used to recite The Cremation of Sam McGee too!!! Did he also recite Casey at the Bat like mine too?) This is the same book I was buying at the mall today to send to my sister, but I forgot my coupon. (Don't worry, I'll go back!)

Now it will take some major willpower for me to do the tasks on my To Do List that I already had planned for naptime (clean the kitchen, refresh my memory on Lost before it starts tomorrow, watch the Inauguration on Tivo, log Girl Scout cookie orders, make phone calls, update my mom's club roster, check my sister's Facebook account like I promised), instead of going and sitting down and finishing her book, The Middle Place. I am just thrilled. (Did I already say that?!) How did she find me? Oh, wow. Please tell me I'm not a dork for being so excited about this. Y'all would be too, right? I swear, it's made my day now. Maybe she'll come back again? Maybe she'll start lurking at my blog? Woo hoo! Okay, it's official. I have crossed over into Dorkdom.


Jen said...

That is so awesome!! Good for you!!

Anonymous said...

OMG....now, don't forget to send me the book:) There, I made a comment....

Robin said...

Of course you are a dork - it has nothing to do with the gushing. lol (I do crack myself up.)

I am so glad you had a great trip and some time to recharge.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool!


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