It started on Saturday when Dan injured his back. He's been pretty much out of the loop since then, even taking a sick day on Monday because he was in such excruciating pain. He was stooped over most of the Easter weekend and his spine was visibly crooked. It just hurt to look at him! I've been doing the kids' baths and bedtime for Jackson every night, since Dan can't really pick Jackson up at this point. The good news is Dan says today he feels like a six on the scale of 1 to 10. (Monday was a nine.) He's getting better through chiropractic care and even put Jackson to bed tonight. But he still has some healing to do, and we'
The second - and even more major - concern is that my grandmother's health is failing. The photo shows us together in 2007. She is my dad's mom, and is 94 years old. She is one of the strongest people I know, so her health issues are hard to deal with. I kind of assumed she'd live forever, you know? But she is in renal failure and it looks like she won't recover from it. I'm not sure how much time she has left: days or weeks? But I know that we are trying to be as loosely scheduled as possible so I can go to Virginia to be with her as soon as it looks like the end is near. Please keep Grandmother in your prayers! Pray if her death is close, that it will be gentle and painless. And pray that she feels all the love of those who are with her here and those who are waiting for her in Heaven.
Thank you!
My Grandma lived to 92 and there was more than just a little part of me that thought she might live forever. I don't think that is strange at all.
what a week indeed elizabeth. sending hugs to your entire family
It must be that time of year. We're going through the same pain.
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