Saturday, January 2, 2010


My blog has been relatively quiet this past week, after my DAILY posting during the Christmas Countdown. I didn't realize how time consuming daily blogging could be when it was on my To Do List every day. So I'm a little relieved to blog just whenever I feel like it now, not on a schedule.

I've been quiet for the past week because I've been busy purging. I told you about Frank, our new laptop that we bought for Christmas. The sad thing is that I haven't bonded too well with Frank because I haven't been able to transfer a lot of stuff to him yet. First thing to transfer is my Outlook, and it turns out that I have saved WAY TOO MUCH for it to transfer over. Yes, I confess that I save MANY emails. After I really started looking into it, I realized I have emails from ten years ago. Yes, ten. And, no, they are not life-impacting emails either! They are just static from my life in 2000 and since.

I've spent the last week purging all those non-essential emails. Guess how many I deleted? Go ahead, guess. How about you leave a comment with your guess? Then I'll send you a little happy. (And I better not get a guess ONLY from Gina. C'mon, lurkers! Now's your chance to show your face!)

Anyway, I finally finished my purge last night. Now I feel so free and relieved! That leads me to my first New Year's resolution: I resolve to STOP saving every email. Just let it go, baby.

Aren't you proud of me?


Gina said...

Okay, I'll start it off, even though you don't only want a comment from me, which did make me lol.


donna said...

Hmmm....10 years of emails at 250 emails a guess is 2,500. Yikes....that would make me nervous deleting all those. I only have emails back to I'm still good for another 8 years :-)

Melissa said...

Oh I'll say a good 3500. I save emails, too. If it wasn't for the fact that my last computer crashed and I cannot recover anything, I'd guess I have saved emails from 2003!

Robin said...

Letting go of emails is harder for me than getting rid of material stuff. How about 10, because the rest were really important. ;)

Sheryl said...

Holy cow... I can only imagine... I bet it's a really high number.. I'll go up to 5000... I am proud of you though!!

Charity said...

My guess is long did it take to puge? Did you open them before you purged?

prashant said...
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