Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Beach Prayer Walk

On this year’s fall break, we took the kids to Disney World for a few days then drove to a friend’s condo at Venice Beach to spend the rest of our vacation. On our last full day in Venice, we started the morning with a walk on the beach.IMGP0459

Dan and Jackson quickly got ahead of me and Katie. I was slow because I was looking for special seashells and praying I would find a piece of sea glass. (I’ve never found one before, and really wanted to find one.) While I searched, Katie was writing in the sand. After a while Katie was behind even me, and the boys were far ahead. The boys eventually slowed, turned around, and met up with me. I joined them and a few steps later, we met up with Katie. We all started walking back towards our condo. Along the way, I got to see the things Katie had been writing in the sand. Each “sign” I passed increasingly filled me with awe. Knowing my girl wrote these things without any prompting from me or Dan, and in her own solitude with the Holy Spirit? The praise volume of my heart was deafening as I read these; even louder than the ocean!

Thank you, Jesus, for reaching my daughter in ways I will never be able to. I am grateful that You have turned her into a teacher; she is teaching me how to seek You in ways I never knew. I love that she is my daughter, a fellow disciple, and my sister in Christ! Amen.







To be your friendIMG_7031

No matter WHATIMG_7030

Trust in GodIMG_7025

He will show you the wayIMG_7023

Don’t look back!IMG_7022

Your word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my path. Psalm 119:105IMG_7005 Psalm 119

Don’t hold back; let go!IMG_7004

God loves you!IMG_7002

He is with you!IMG_6998

God created you with his own hand.IMG_6992

And the end of this walk, guess what I found? A perfect piece of brown sea glass!

Walking on my generous friend’s beach with no To Do List. Feeling sunshine on my shoulders and ocean waves on my toes. Smelling salty seas and tasting the morning coffee in my hand. Hearing birds and ocean waves gently lapping the shore. Seeing my husband and son explore the world, and my daughter write letters in the sand. Above all, knowing my Savior creates precious gifts and waits in anticipation for me to discover them. All these things combine to remind me I am blessed!

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