Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Prayer

Dear Lord,

Help me remember to treat others with kindness and patience. When I have road rage or want to ram a shopping cart in a store, please widen my heart and let me give others the benefit of the doubt. Remind me that shaving off two minutes in line won't save my entire day, especially if my day is already imploding on itself.

When I'm old and crabby because life has worn me down, please help me find some reserve of grace to extend to others. I pray especially that I can be gracious and giving to young mothers. Remind me to open the door for them when their hands are full of diaper bags and children. Banish the Grinch in my heart and help me make funny faces at their kids to distract them from a long wait in line.

Dear Lord, keep me mindful of the love you've given me. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Let my actions be an extension of your love. Help me to find kind words to say to old men when they are rude to me at Wal-Mart. Silence the anger that wants to lash out at them, and fill me with compassion instead.

Most of all, I pray that your peace and love keeps me afloat the next 15 days. I'm searching for you, trying to feel your Spirit. I know you're there and watching over me, as well as the old man from Wal-Mart yesterday. I'm glad you love me despite the hardness that filled my heart. Thank you!

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